Saudi entrepreneurs forge new partnerships on India’s 8,000 km train journey.

New Delhi: Saudi entrepreneurs have embarked on an 8,000-km train journey across India to brainstorm with other G20 innovators and forge new partnerships with Indian startups.

The trip, Jagriti Startup G20 Yatra 2023, includes 60 delegates from G20 countries and Indian participants who participated in the Startup20 interaction group under India’s chairmanship of the world’s largest economies this year.

The round trip, which began in Mumbai on Saturday, will take them to 11 Indian cities before ending on November 10.

One of the organizers of this trip is the Saudi startup growth center HealthGena, whose project manager Alaa Hanifa said: “This is a unique opportunity to strengthen our relationship with Indian entrepreneurs and look for potential business investments, partnerships and investment opportunities in Indian and sustainable technology.” Development industries and e-commerce

The experience so far has been incredibly rich. On the train, he told Arab News that the best thing that happened was when a group of entrepreneurs spontaneously organized a pitch session on the plane, showcased their startups and received valuable feedback from peers.

My expectations from this trip are to gain insight into different business models, learn from the experiences of other entrepreneurs, and discover new opportunities for partnership or investment.

Five participants arrived from Saudi Arabia for the program, which is under the umbrella of the Startup20 interaction group.

For Abdul Majeed Al Yassin, director of strategy and business operations at Salasa, a transportation and logistics company based in Riyadh, it was an important experience interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds and learning about their lives during the journey they embarked on together. .

It was great yet challenging, he told Arab News, adding that it was a great opportunity to connect with Indian entrepreneurs for potential collaborations.

Technology and AI are areas I’m interested in, but I came here with an open mind to any opportunity.

Jagriti Yatra, the non-profit organization organizing the trip on behalf of India, signed a partnership agreement with HealthGena during the G20 Young Entrepreneurs Summit in New Delhi in July.

This will help promote India-Saudi entrepreneurship culture and integrate entrepreneurs from both places, said Rahul Kumar, head of media for the organization.

Indian participants interacting with Saudi participants are definitely eager to be a part of entrepreneurship. Indians are also very excited to be a part of the entrepreneurship (ecosystem) in Saudi Arabia.

During the 14-day trip, young entrepreneurs not only network and expand, but also participate in workshops and lectures.

The trip has been organized by Jagriti Yatra for the past 15 years, but this is the first time it is seeing so many foreigners.

Individuals are selected based on their entrepreneurial journey and their willingness to learn about entrepreneurship, Kumar said.

This year it is happening in connection with Startup20. We (made sure) to have participation from all G20 countries.

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